OAGR 2120 - Border Security and Border Management

Borders have become more plastic and frontiers are no longer static, but instead a multiple set of practices and that occur within and outside a given territory. Borders have always been at the core of global security concern and have triggered wars, shaped identities, and disrupted the security nexus. This module examines emerging theoretical and empirical developments in border practices and border narratives, and how they shape how border management and border security is perceived. The module will investigate the variety of practices that occur in the borders, and it will explore the main developments in contemporary border security and how it impacts the social and political dynamics.

This module will look at topics such as border practices, border managements, the “so-called” refugee crisis, border narratives and border technology.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of border security.

Identify how contemporary global challenges have shaped and will continue to shape border security policy and practice.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of borders, territoriality, and the state including the significance of bordering practices.

Acquire theoretical understanding of border problems, border cultures, border literatures and constructions of “otherness”.

Critically examine the construction, implementation, and enforcement of contemporary policies of EU border control, and cross-border cooperation in the EU and with the near abroad outside the EU.

Critically examine the implications of bordering regimes and technologies.

Professional Skills

Allow student to pursue independent and creative research.

Promote critical thinking through both written work and group debate and discussions.

Acquire and develop advanced subject-specific skills related to the production of position and policy papers.

To be able to confidently work with cross-cutting disciplines and topics.

- In Class Presence: 2 hours a week / 24 hours a semester

- Online learning activities: 4h/semester

- Reading and Preparation for Class: 18h/semester

- Research and Preparation for Group Work: 12h/semester

- Research and Writing for Individual Assessments: 30h/semester

Autumn 2022-2023
Oral participation - 10%

Final Term paper – 45%

Book Review (1,500 words): to be selected from one provided in the course syllabus– 25%

One Oral presentation (15 min) – 20%

Border Politics - The Limits of Sovereign Power (Vaughan-Williams 2009)
Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making (Brambilla 2016)
Placing the Border in Everyday Life (Jones and Johnson 2016)
Migration, Borders and Citizenship: Between Policy and Public Spheres (Parker and Vaughan-Williams 2016)
EU Borders and Shifting Internal Security: Technology, Externalization and Accountability (Bossong and Carrapico 2016)
Border Crises and Human Mobility in the Mediterranean Global South: Challenges to Expanding Borders (Panebianco 2022)
EurAfrican Borders and Migration Management: Political Cultures, Contested Spaces, and Ordinary Lives(Gaibazzi, Dünnwald, and Bellagamba 2016)
Constructing the EU's high-tech borders: FRONTEX and dual-use drones for border management(Csernatoni 2018)
Migration Law and the Externalization of Border Controls: European State Responsibility (Liguori 2019)
Borders, Fences and Walls: State of Insecurity? (Borders, Fences and Walls: State of Insecurity? (Border Regions Series) - Kindle Edition by Vallet, Elisabeth. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle EBooks @ Amazon.Com.' n.d.)
The Routledge Handbook of Biopolitics (Prozorov and Rentea 2016)