OGLM 2075 - Large-scale Project Implementation

This workshop aims to engage students in one of the most challenging aspects of metropolitan governance: implementation of large scale urban development projects. Building on three case studies of large-scale project implementation in three countries, the workshop engages students in analysis of governance processes shaping large scale project implementation in practice. It equips them with analytical tools to identify actors of complex implementation networks spanning from different tiers of government through community groups and practitioners making the plans a reality (or not). Through series of interactive simulations students are trained to evaluate the work of governance networks shaping the processes of large-scale project implementation and evaluate their work vis-à-vis project outcomes. Finally, the workshop explores the ways to manage complex governance networks for better project results. The workshop uses a comparative approach based on case studies of large-scale project implementation in three countries. The studies will start with the analysis of large-scale development projects (3000 – 6000 residential units in size) that will train students to identify the actors, processes; potential challenges and opportunities project implementation governance. The skills acquired on these ‘smaller' projects will then be used to examine the governance of implementation of two mega projects
The students are required to attend all sessions, participate in discussions, engage in simulation exercises (including read the assigned readings) and work in small groups to deliver the final work presented at the final session. Each group is also assigned another group's work to peer review and assess in the process of the final work delivery. Additional requested information: (eg ≤ to 3 hours, 3 to 6 hours or > to 6 hours): N/A
Passion for urban development
Autumn 2022-2023
The coursework comprises three elements through which students can progressively build up and contextualise their understanding of the topic: research and analysis (practical examples), in-class discussions, group work. Grading and assessment: Group presentation (60%); Group discussion comprising of assigned peer review (30%); Individual student participation (10%).
Additional requested information (6 or 12 weeks):
Flyvbjerg B. (2014) What you should Know about Megaprojects and Why: An Overview. Project Management Journal, Vol 45 (April/May), Number 2. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2424835
Hudson J. and Lowe S. (2009) 'Implementation and Delivery' (Chapter 12), in Hudson J. and Lowe S Understanding the Policy Process: Analysing Welfare Policy and Practice', The Policy Press, Bristol
Kickert et al. (1999) Introduction: A Management Perspective on Policy Networks' (Chapter 1) in Kickert et al. (eds) 'Managing Complex Networks', SAGE Publications, London
Rosenfeld O. (2013) 'Governance of relocation An Examination of Residential Relocation Processes in Housing Market Renewal areas in England', Housing Studies, 28 (2), pp 338-362
Tasan-Kok, T. (2010) Entrepreneurial Governance: Challenges of Large-Scale Property-Led Urban Regeneration Projects, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, Volume 101, Issue 2, pages 126–149 http://repository.tudelft.nl/view/ir/uuid%3A5c280b2