K2SP 3125 - Sustainable development in EU policies.

Sustainability has long been a second order chapter of policy making. The Paris Agreement on Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals tell a different story, where all public and private strategies need to be aligned on the transformation of our societies towards sustainability. Even key players resisting this global consensus have helped raising the geopolitical importance of sustainable development, particularly for a region like Europe. The European Green Deal and the European recovery plans, represent major opportunities for making sustainability the project for the future of the continent. Why should Europe engage ambitiously towards sustainability, for internal as well as international? What can we learn from its already long experience of environmental policies? What are the most needed changes in policy making in Europe to make sustainable development a reality ? These are the questions that this course will discuss.
Cours magistral seul
Students will prepare sessions through readings or visioning of some videos.
Autumn 2022-2023
Validation will be based on active participation and two papers : - A mid-term paper discussing a past case of environmental policy development in the EU, centred on pollution emissions regulation (8 000 to 12 000 signs) - A final paper on prospective challenges for the EU Commission in the implementation of the Green Deal, opening up to the discussion with trade policies (15 000 to 25 000 signs)
Session will mostly be given by the professors, with specific guest speakers from the field of civil society, think tanks or business.
Jordan, A.J. and C. Adelle (ed.) (2012) Environmental Policy in the European Union: Contexts, Actors and Policy Dynamics (3e). Earthscan: London and Sterling, VA
Swinnen, J. (ed), (2015) The Political Economy of the 2014 -2020 Common Agricultural Policy : An imperfect storm, Center for European Policy Studies, Brussels, Rowman and Littlefield International, London
Nigel Haigh, EU Environmental Policy. Its Journey to Centre Stage, Abingdon, Earthscan/Routledge, 2016, 214 pages.
UNGA (2015) Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN General Assembly resolution adopted on September 25, 2015
EEA (2013) Late lessons from early warnings: science, precaution, innovation, Synthesis report, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen
Hart K, Baldock D, Buckwell A (2016), Learning the lessons of the Greening of the CAP, a report for the UK Land Use Policy Group in collaboration with the European Nature Conservation Agencies Network, Institute for European Environmental Policy, London.
Khalilian, Setareh; Froese, Rainer; Proelss, Alexander; Requate, Till (November 2010). "Designed for failure: a critique of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union". Marine Policy. Elsevier. 34 (6): 1178–1182. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2010.04.001
Voituriez et al. (2018) Steering the EU towards a sustainability transformation, European Think Tank Group report, https://ettg.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ETTG-brief-on-SDGs.pdf
Løkke, Søren, The Precautionary Principle and Chemicals Regulation. Past Achievements and Future Possibilities, 13 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2006), pp. 342 et sqq; Eckley, Noelle and Selin, Henrik, All talk, little action: precaution